This week’s featured interview is comedian Brian Doney. Starting his comedy career in Columbus, now residing in the Bronx, Brian is returning to Columbus for his next album’s, Wrong, pre-release party on Dec 9. Contact Brian and mention you heard him on C!SN for a complementary general admission ticket to The Nightmare Before X-mas Album Release Party!

Then be sure to listen in for the Columbus Travel Calendar on this episode of C!SN

Brought to you by the Ohio Craft Museum. The museum’s 20th annual holiday sale, Gifts of the Craftsmen, is open through December 23rd, and Columbus WinterFair is December 6-8.

Brian Doney - photo credit Erin Bryden

Brian Doney - photo credit Erin Bryden

The music of Captain Kidd is featured on every episode. Listen to Wide Eyes and check out their website for more info!